Metta Hemp

Exceptional Quality Hemp

One of the first leading brands to sell quality hemp online. Metta Hemp is built from compassion and dedication to providing top-shelf Delta 8 and CBD products across the nation. Metta Hemp enlisted the help of SM Services cannabis digital marketing experts to improve the brand’s searchability across search engines like Google and Bing. 

Metta Hemp
Keywords Ranking Page 1
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Daily Traffic
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Increased Revenue
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Increasing Visibility

Metta Hemp wanted to increase online sales utilizing a long term strategy. With low visibility across google, yahoo, and other major search engines Metta Hemp knew they were missing out on crucial traffic and visibility. Metta Hemp always understood the value of google ranking, all they were missing was the proper support to get it done!

Increasing Visibility

CBD and Cannabis SEO

We get it: SEO is confusing. We make it simple by focusing on your goals and then building out a strategy that will help you reach them. We’ll audit your website and research the best keywords for your market. Then, we’ll start implementing on-site changes to help make your website easier to find. We’ll also take care of crucial off-site factors like your GMB profile, reputation management, and link building to help your CBD or cannabis dispensary brand build trust and authority. You’ll see higher rankings, greater authority and reach, and ultimately higher sales—and we’ll give you reports to prove it.

Website Audit &
Keyword Selection






Powerful Keyword Ranking

With the right strategy, you can rank for just about any keyword. What matters most is ranking for keywords that provide actual value. This is why SM Services takes keyword research so seriously. We want to make sure our clients are ranking for keywords that prospective customers use on a daily basis across search engines. Keywords that not only drive traffic, but revenue as well. 

Powerful Keyword Ranking

Want Results Like These?

We pride ourselves in communication and education, reach out to a cannabis digital marketing expert today and see what we can do for you! 

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