
Top-Shelf Cannabinoids from a Top Shelf Brand

CannaAid is an industry leader in the CBD e-commerce space. Although, as with any market this competitive, they needed to make sure they stayed in front of new customers and nurtured their current clientele.

That is exactly what they did with the help of Seedless Media’s Geo-targeting and Text Message campaigns. 

Text Message Delivery Rate
0 %
Impressions served
0 M
Ad Clicks
0 +

Getting in front of Customers

With little to no limit on where they can ship their products, Seedless Media built 3 unique Geo-targeting campaigns that targeted areas where CannaAid sparked the most interest. 

Splitting their budget across 3 campaigns allowed CannaAid to reach their target audience across the country and drive more website visits which eventually lead to more Text Message opt-ins

Dispensary Geo Targeting

Messages that Deliver

Delivery Rate

It doesn’t take long to find out that the cannabis industry has its own large list of restrictions in the marketing space. And whille it can seem daunting at time, The SM Services cannabis marketing experts have the tools and resources to bypass those restrictions put in place. With our unique technology and industry knowledge, we helped CannaAid achieve a 98% delivery rate on their Text blasts. Ensuring their customers are put in touch with every new sale or product drop. 

SMS & Programmatic Display Ads

Geo-targeted ads that hit CannaAid’s most engaged audiences helped drive traffic to their online store at a average crushing Click Thru Rate which then enticed new SMS leads to target in their text message marketing campaigns. 

Drive New Website Visitors

Website Traffic


Want Results Like These?

We pride ourselves in communication and education, reach out to a cannabis digital marketing expert today and see what we can do for you! 

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